Name: Ylenia Pieracci
Phone: 050 221 9500
Supervisors: Professor Guido Flamini
PhD project Title:
Chemical, biological and sensorial analyses in the agri-food and herbal sectors
Research summary:
My research project proposes the chemical analysis of volatile and non-volatile compounds along the production chain of food or herbal products, from the raw plant material to the final product, in order evaluate the correlation between chemical profile and both the adequacy of the critical phases of the supply chain and the quality of the final product.
Moreover, the project includes the evaluation of the chemical profile of by-products, which are usually discarded from the agri-food system, with the purpose of finding new possible intended uses, reducing losses and waste. Today, this aspect is of great importance because the agri-food is one of the production sectors that generates the higher levels of losses and waste, all of which have economic, ecologic and social impact, and are key-components of the sustainability matter, more and more important as a tool to fight climate change.