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Prof. Vincenzo Calderone
PhD project Title:
Pharmacological modulation of signalling pathways involved in ageing and inflamm-ageing.
Research summary:
In the last decades, the average lifespan has progressively increased worldwide. Ageing represents a dramatic risk factor for the development of several age-related cardiovascular disorders (i.e. hypertension, myocardial infarction and vascular inflamm-ageing). Nevertheless, how biological ageing itself influences the development of chronic diseases is still unclear; therefore, understanding the fundamental mechanisms of the ageing process is essential to reduce the onset of age-related pathologies, highlighting the concept of “healthy ageing”. In this context, the identification of novel anti-ageing agents represents a timely challenge. This project is focused on the investigation of the pharmacological effects of naturally occurring compounds against cardiovascular ageing both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, the evaluation of the biological effects of polyphenols and isothiocyanates (H2S-donors) with a high translational potential in the clinical practice represents the main topic of this research.
Oral communications at congresses:
Piragine E, Martelli A, Citi V, Testai L, Brancaleone V, Bucci M, Pagnotta E, Lazzeri L, Calderone V. Erucin, a natural isothiocyanate from Eruca sativa Mill., protects vascular cells from oxidative stress and inflammation by release of H2S. International School of Pharmacology “Giampaolo Velo” – new strategies in the prevention of non-communicable diseases: focus on cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, Erice (Sicily), September 8-12, 2019.
Piragine E, Testai L, Martelli A, Citi V, Flori L, Piano I, Gargini MC, Pirone A, Miragliotta V, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Ghelardini C, Breschi MC, Calderone V. The Citrus flavonoid Naringenin prevents cardiac ageing via modulation of SIRT1. XXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Phytotherapy (SIFit.), May 24-26, 2019.
Piragine E, Citi V, Testai L, Breschi MC, Pagnotta E, Lazzeri L, Ugolini L, Calderone V, Martelli A. Vasorelaxing and antihypertensive properties of Erucin, an isothiocyanate from Eruca sativa Mill, (Brassicaceae): is H2S the silent player? XXI SIF Seminar for PhD Students, Fellows, Post Doc and Specialist Trainees, Bresso (MI), September 19-22, 2018.
Piragine E, Citi V, Testai L, Pagnotta E, Lazzeri L, Ugolini L, Calderone V, Martelli A. Antioxidant and cytoprotective effects of Erucin against H2O2 and high glucose induced cell damages on vascular cell lines: is H2S the real player? XXVI Congresso nazionale di Fitoterapia, Fiuggi, May 25-27, 2018.
Poster communications at congresses:
Piragine E, Testai L, Martelli A, Citi V, Flori L, Piano I, Gargini MC, Pirone A, Miragliotta V, Di Cesare Mannelli L, Ghelardini C, Breschi MC, Calderone V. The Citrus flavonoid Naringenin slows down myocardial ageing by increasing sirtuin 1 enzyme expression in mice. 39° National Congress SIF (Italian Society of Pharmacology), Firenze, 19-23 November, 2019 (Accepted).
Piragine E, Martelli A, Citi V, Testai L, Brancaleone V, Vellecco V, Bucci M, Pagnotta E, Ugolini L, Lazzeri L, Calderone V. The H2S-donor Erucin, a natural isothiocyanate from Eruca sativa Mill., protects vascular cells against oxidative stress and inflammation. XXII National Congress SIRC (Italian Society of Cardiovascular Researchers), Imola, 6-8 November, 2019 (Accepted).
Piragine E, Piano I, Martelli A, Citi V, Gargini MC, Breschi MC, Calderone V, Testai L. Myocardial anti-ageing effects of the Citrus flavonoid naringenin. 38° National Congress SIF (Italian Society of Pharmacology), Rimini, October 24-28, 2017.